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Zevas Communications Partners with Five9 to Migrate Its Global Contact Center to the Cloud

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Cindy Seto Customer Advocacy Manager

Cindy Seto specializes in customer advocacy, customer marketing and customer references. She has been a loyal GSW season ticket holder for over 10+ years and loves to use Wikipedia to catch up on TV series and movies by reading their summaries, her two toddlers keep her too busy so she streams her shows on her phone. She loves to cook and bake and enjoys taking cooking classes at Sur la Table. Cindy graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor’s degree - Go Aggies!

Zevas Communications, a leading provider of outsourced and insource customer contact solutions, recently selected Five9 to power their contact centers across the globe. Today we are sharing a glimpse of our conversation with David Cashman, Chief Commercial Officer at Zevas Communications, to illustrate why Five9 was the perfect fit for Zevas.

“Moving to an era where everything is on demand and customer expectations are at an all-time high, Zevas Communications takes an ‘always available approach’ when engaging with our customers,” said Cashman. “Leveraging Five9 and the power of cloud, allows our business to scale, innovate and move faster than our previous on-premise system.”

Zevas Communications provides customer contact solutions for various businesses and industries, and operates across eleven countries located in EMEA, APAC, and North America. Prior to Five9, Zevas’ global operations ran on an on-premise PBX system. Zevas wanted to move to the cloud to utilize a remote workforce and access a wider net of talent, while using the latest in innovation and CCaaS technology.

“Being in the cloud, the shackles are off,” continued Cashman. “If we can dream it, it can happen. On-premise solutions had restrictions. Due to the open-ended structure of the cloud and Five9 expertise, we have a nimbleness to build complex environments, such as deep Salesforce and homegrown system integrations, that enable our agents to provide great customer experiences.”

In less than three weeks, Zevas transitioned all of their agents to the Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Center. The migration came at a crucial time as the following week Zevas moved to a fully work from home model as the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continued to spread.

“As we moved our agents to fully working from home, we didn’t experience any major impacts as Five9 helped us continue our business operations during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Cashman. “Even at such a challenging time, moving to the cloud has managed to keep business on track, and on a human level, keep people employed.”

“Five9 is proud to partner with Zevas Communications to deliver great customer experiences across the globe,” said Brian Atkinson, Five9 EMEA General Manager. “The flexibility and scalability of the cloud allows Zevas to now add agents and entities around the world – easily and seamlessly. We look forward to supporting Zevas’ operations as they continue to globally expand.”


To learn more about the Five9 and Zevas partnership, click here.

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Cindy Seto Customer Advocacy Manager

Cindy Seto specializes in customer advocacy, customer marketing and customer references. She has been a loyal GSW season ticket holder for over 10+ years and loves to use Wikipedia to catch up on TV series and movies by reading their summaries, her two toddlers keep her too busy so she streams her shows on her phone. She loves to cook and bake and enjoys taking cooking classes at Sur la Table. Cindy graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor’s degree - Go Aggies!

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