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Ask the Experts: How to Expand into Digital Channels

On-Demand Webinar

Scott Baker

Scott Baker

Senior Analyst
Erin Wilson

Erin Wilson

Director, Technical Marketing

At the rate of 26% YoY, customer communication preferences are shifting toward digital channels and, while voice is the channel of choice for many, according to the Five9 Customer Service Index, you can’t afford to wait any longer.  

If you are struggling to build an omnichannel strategy, this webinar is for you.  

Join this 30-minute conversation with Opus Research Senior Analyst Scott Baker and Five9 Director of Technical Marketing Erin Wilson as they outline the crucial tools you need to effectively connect with your customers across all channels.  

This webinar will touch upon topics including how to:  

  • Create a successful digital strategy    
  • Measure your success and business impact  
  • Justify the project costs and get funding  
  • Avoid common mistakes and succeed where others have failed  

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