Five9 Earns Metrigy MetriStar Top Provider Award for Contact Center as a Service 2023

The MetriStar award is based on both customer ratings and quantitative metrics correlating the use of a vendor’s products and services with measurable business success. The Top Provider award recognizes vendors that have achieved above-average customer sentiment ratings and high business success for their customers.
Five9 received above average ratings in key areas of CCaaS including rich feature sets and received the highest analytics rating due to the focus on making data useful for customers. Five9 continues to expand its feature set with a focus on providing the tools and data agents need to deliver personalized and fluid customer experiences.
Download the results of Metrigy MetriStar report on CCaaS platforms to learn how Five9 measured up to other CCaaS providers, as well as these key takeaways:
- Why Five9 was named a MetriStar Top Provider
- The Value of the MetriStar Award based on customer ratings and quantitative metrics
- Why CCaaS Platforms are the communications core of all customer