Five9 CX Summit 2021 Keynote Address

More than 1,000 contact center professionals around the world took part this year’s Five9 CX Summit. Following the theme “Where Reimagined Meets Realized,” Five9 CEO Rowan Trollope opened the event by focusing on upcoming trends and highlighting recent major accomplishments.
Trollope focused on three characteristics of high-performing contact-center organizations—the power of voice, being nimble, and enabling a boundaryless org. Five9 EVP of Product Callan Schebella followed up a powerful product showcase that included a “day in the life” demo of Five9 solutions, supported by examples from Microsoft’s Scott Plette and Marco Casalaina from Salesforce.
Five9 CTO Jonathan Rosenberg dove into the world of AI and automation and how Five9 is evolving the contact center with a whole new breed of applications and functionality including Five9 VoiceStream and Conversation Architect.