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Four Healthcare Contact Center Trends in 2024

Ruthie Carey
Ruthie Carey Content Strategist

Healthcare contact centers serve as the initial point of contact for patients, facilitating crucial information exchange among doctors, healthcare providers, and patients. From appointments to test results and prescriptions, each communication holds the potential to significantly impact patient lives.

These centers ensure exceptional customer service delivery while also optimizing operational efficiency. By streamlining processes, they aid medical professionals during consultations, thereby enhancing time efficiency and overall patient care.

Considering that 65% of patients now expect higher customer service standards from healthcare agencies compared to just a year ago, and poor healthcare scheduling and service result in over $150 billion in lost revenue annually, the importance of a responsive and high-quality healthcare call center team cannot be overstated.

In this blog, we explore the key trends shaping healthcare contact centers in 2024, as they continue to adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers alike.

Key Trends Shaping Healthcare Contact Centers in 2024

1. AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

AI-powered virtual assistants work 24/7 to assist patients with routine queries, and basic medical information, and offer customized recommendations based on historical data analysis.

In the previous year, AI-powered virtual chatbots marked a revolutionary shift in productivity. However, integration challenges posed significant hurdles for many investments in this area. Additionally, AI's capacity to handle complex queries while maintaining a human touch remained a persistent concern.

Many of these challenges are expected to ease in 2024.

As per Business Wire, the global intelligent virtual assistants market size is projected to reach USD 25.63 billion by 2025.

Virtual assistants and chatbots will assist with the following:

  • Clinicians offer advice on treatments, diagnoses, and medications.
  • Patients by providing them with self-service options and connecting them with the information needed to make informed decisions about their health.
  • Increasingly, they will interface with electronic health record systems and facilitate appointment booking and scheduling.
  • Patients stay compliant by being reminded to take medications or exercise.

The possibilities with Artificial Intelligence are limitless.

2. Omni Channel Communication

A healthcare contact center must support multiple channels of communication, including phone, email, chat, and social media, allowing patients to reach out through their preferred means of communication.

Catering to patients’ preferences plays a pivotal role in boosting patient experience and boosting engagement.

Enabling patients to participate actively in their healthcare journey is essential.

For instance, a patient might initiate a conversation with their healthcare provider via an online portal, seeking clarification on a recent diagnosis. The healthcare provider can respond through the portal while also offering the option to schedule a phone call or video consultation if the patient prefers a more detailed discussion.

By providing multiple communication options, you empower your patients and engage them in making their healthcare decisions.

3. Data Security and Compliance

Operating a healthcare contact center means handling sensitive patient information. Ensuring the protection of this confidential data is crucial.

In 2024, prioritizing data security and compliance will continue to be a key focus.

Call centers will keep up with new regulations, adapt best practices, and utilize advanced technologies like AI-driven threat detection and blockchain to bolster security.

Putting customer privacy first will not only be a regulatory requirement but also a way for you to stand out in the competitive call center field.

Looking ahead, efforts will concentrate on implementing strong security measures, following data protection rules, and using encryption to keep patient data safe.

4. Remote Patient Monitoring Support

As telehealth and remote patient monitoring continue to gain traction, contact centers will integrate with monitoring devices and wearables.

This integration enables healthcare providers to gather real-time patient data, offer remote diagnosis and treatment, and deliver personalized care.

Contact center agents will play a crucial role in supporting remote patient monitoring (RPM) by assisting with device setup, troubleshooting technical issues, and interpreting data.

By incorporating RPM support, contact centers contribute to improved health outcomes and increased patient engagement.

The Impact on Patient Satisfaction and Service Quality

The impact of the latest healthcare contact center trends on patient satisfaction and service quality cannot be overstated. These trends are a direct response to evolving customer needs and expectations, which are heightened by increased competition in the healthcare industry and the growing demand for positive customer experiences. Failing to meet these expectations risks losing patients to competitors.

However, by embracing four key trends—AI-powered virtual assistants, omnichannel communication, data security and compliance, and remote patient monitoring support—healthcare contact centers can significantly enhance patient satisfaction and service quality.

Collectively, these healthcare contact center trends ensure a seamless patient experience, regardless of how they choose to interact with the healthcare provider. From streamlined appointment scheduling to personalized care recommendations, each trend contributes to a positive encounter for the patient. A satisfied patient is not only more likely to return but also to recommend the services to others, thereby bolstering the healthcare provider's reputation and success.

Adapting to New Healthcare Contact Center Trends with Five9

Delivering high-quality care remains the top priority for healthcare providers, yet consumers increasingly demand better communication and exceptional customer service at every touchpoint. With Five9 healthcare contact center software, you can effortlessly adapt to emerging trends, guaranteeing improved efficiency, customer satisfaction, and compliance.

  1. HIPAA-Compliant Software: Five9 maintains appropriate administrative, physical, and technological safeguards to protect health information.
  2. AI-Powered Assistant: By automating routine tasks using conversational AI, Five9 Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) allows employees to focus on more productive activities.
  3. Seamless EHR Integration: Using Five9 APIs, reduce administrative burdens and access vital patient data quickly.
  4. Maximized Value of Patient Data Investments: With Five9 APIs, seamlessly integrate with checkout, appointment, pharmacy, CRM, and other systems.
  5. Efficient Workforce Planning with Compliance: Utilize Five9 Workforce Optimization tools to ensure quality and compliance of healthcare conversations.
  6. Omni-channel Support: Connect with patients through their preferred channel of communication.

For further insights on enhancing patient loyalty across your healthcare and medical contact centers with Five9, explore here.

Ruthie Carey
Ruthie Carey Content Strategist

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9