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What does Chrome Enterprise Recommended mean for your Five9 Contact Center?

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Beatrice Casanova Sr. Director, Product Management

Remote workforces have certainly become the new “normal” for most companies during the pandemic. Although we all hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the pandemic very soon, there is no doubt remote work is here to stay with many companies committed to either keeping their workers fully remote or in a hybrid model. In fact, a recent Gartner CFO survey revealed that over two-thirds (74%) plan to permanently shift employees to remote work after the COVID-19 crisis ends.   

With this in mind, ease of deploying a remote workforce and security of information are key considerations for many companies. These considerations apply equally to knowledge workers as well as contact center agents and supervisors.   

Today Google Chrome OS introduced the contact center category for Chrome Enterprise Recommended (CER) solutions. As part of this program, Five9 and the Chrome OS team have worked closely together to optimize the Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Center for Chrome OS. This certification allows companies to be confident that the Five9 contact center running on Chrome OS devices such as Chromebooks will not only work seamlessly but the environment has baked in security features such as native call encryption. Companies can quickly deploy and efficiently onboard new agents and supervisors using the Five9 contact center desktop application running on Chrome OS devices ensuring maximum productivity. Happy companies and happy agents.   

The Five9 solution for Chromebooks leverages Five9 WebRTC which provides agents with an audio solution embedded directly in the Chrome browser. Since Five9 WebRTC requires no software, Chrome extension installation or intrusive software upgrades and most agents are already familiar with Chrome, this solution requires no specific agent training or support. Not to mention that it is also highly secure as WebRTC calls are natively encrypted.   

In conclusion, Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Center and Chrome OS teams are excited to team up to provide a simple, secure, and affordable solution for contact center workforces whether at home or maybe one day back in the office.   

To learn more about today’s announcement from Google, please check out the blog. 

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Beatrice Casanova Sr. Director, Product Management

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