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Five9 Blogs

Gain new perspectives on AI, Five9, CX, and cloud technology here on our blog. With new contact center and call center blogs, we continually offer industry guides and tools for customer experience to provide new insights to your customer service team.

Challenging Cloud Myths, Part 2

Second in a series debunking myths about the cloud… Myth#2 – The cloud cannot scale for large enterprises. The truth is actually just the opposite; one single organization is less likely to be able to scale more than a cloud software vendor. When delivering software in the cloud, the concept of economies of scale is key, so most cloud vendors build their solutions from the ground up with an innate ability to scale.

Getting a Handle on Social Influence

By Edwin Margulies Social Engagement for Customer Care is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in the customer service space. There are all kinds of metrics we use to quantify the importance of a social post and social authors. Amongst them is topic relevancy and sentiment. But perhaps the least understood or leveraged is social influence. Let's take a closer look at influence and see what can be done to make it more useful.

Sentiment Approaches for Social Care Teams

By Edwin Margulies Sentiment is an attribute of social posts that can provide rich clues on how to engage with a customer. But it's not always what it seems on the surface. Here are some tips for figuring out the difference between a plain rant versus a cry for help

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