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CCaaS: Efficient, Effective, Engaging


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

A quote I often refer to is, “Precision beats power, and timing beats speed” - Connor McGregor in 2015. Many debates over power in efficiency happen in a self-defense class I teach. The size and strength of a person is not always a guaranteed win. Through a challenge one day, a smaller lady with extensive experience proved that point against a sizable man. So, what is my point here? When we think of efficiency, many times we think of the commonly understood definition: “The ratio of the useful energy delivered by a dynamic system to the energy supplied.” In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, with exponentially growing technology options, efficiency is not only paramount but is nearly decouplable from effectiveness. Whether we are talking about the speed of data traversing networks, or the processes that make up metrics like MTR (Mean Time to Recover) of a system, we are talking about efficiency. 

From the advent of the telephone, contact centers have been one of the primary methods for customers to engage businesses and vice versa. With the days of premise-based solutions nearly behind us, we must focus our attention on the cloud and how this architecture and its underpinning services can be leveraged for greater efficacy and effectiveness to further engagement. So, what efficiencies and cost savings can we find in the cloud for our contact centers? 


A cloud platform as a service, or PaaS, can help your business leverage nearly infinite system resources for scalability, reliability and flexibility. Furthermore, by not having to allocate funding for capital expenditures and the purchasing of equipment that you then own and must maintain, you can recognize cost savings from the beginning. Flexible services and always-on-availability make your transition to the cloud a safe and effective endeavor. And finally, robust architectures (not possible with premise-based solutions) including POPs for telephony routing and geographically redundant data centers; reduce risk, service interruptions and downtime, which in turn all increase your business’s efficiency. Five9’s best in class CCaaS (contact center as a service) provides a full cloud solution for all your inbound and outbound interactions across voice and digital channels. These many channels elevate a business’s ability to engage its customers, furthering their main business objectives. 

Cost Savings  

Most business decision-makers believe that cloud contact centers save you money now and in the future. How exactly, might you ask?  

A cloud contact center is a SaaS-based application stack that allows businesses to harness the power of the cloud and reduce costs in three main ways:  

  1. Reduce capital expenditures and pay through operating budgets. This allows businesses to show significant cost savings on day one, when switching from premise-based solutions to cloud.  

  2. Remove the need for regular maintenance required for premises-based solutions, updating of licensing and periodic hardware refreshes, as the technology evolves. This also includes operating expenses for the resources to manage and execute these initiatives. With a CCaaS, these costs are all but eliminated.  

  3. Introduce a “pay for what you use” pricing model. This is not the case with a client-server architecture and on-prem solutions. If you buy a server, it is a fixed cost regardless of if 10 users log in or 1000.  

So, the takeaway for your business’s short-term and long-term planning, is that a CCaaS can not only save your money up front, but it can give you the scalability, flexibility and reliability to elevate your efficiency, and effectiveness while elevating your engagement with your clients or prospects. Five9 can help your business be Efficient, Effective, and Engaging (the triple E's). Check out a demo today! 


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9