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Jonathan Rosenberg

AI Network

At Five9, We’re Excited about Agent Assistance!

This week marks a real milestone in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the modern contact center. On stage at Google Next, and on the show floor, Salesforce is showing off the three-way integration between Google’s Contact Center AI product, Five9, and Service Cloud.
Women checks Contact Center

5 Surprising Reasons Why you Need to Move your Contact Center to the Cloud (and 10 Unsurprising Reasons) Part 1

The contact center industry is at an inflection point right now in its transition from premise based to cloud based. Analysts estimate that around 10% of contact center seats are now cloud based, and it is accelerating.
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5 Surprising Reasons Why you Need to Move your Contact Center to the Cloud (and 10 Unsurprising Reasons) Part 2

In Part 1 of our Reasons to Move to the Cloud Series, we covered the first five of our ten unsurprising reasons you need to move your contact center to the cloud. Let’s be honest – we didn’t share anything groundbreaking. They were all pretty much table stakes in cloud tech. These next five benefits are unsurprising, but are particularly relevant to contact center:
Two women talking

5 Surprising Reasons Why you Need to Move your Contact Center to the Cloud (and 10 Unsurprising Reasons) Part 3

Now that we have covered the not so surprising benefits of cloud, it’s time to dig into the good stuff. Interestingly enough, all five reasons are based on a simple truth: true multi-tenancy brings true benefits to all tenants.
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5 Surprising Reasons Why you Need to Move your Contact Center to the Cloud (and 10 Unsurprising Reasons) Part 4

Remember analysts estimate that only around 10% of contact center seats are now cloud based – however this is quickly escalating. If you aren’t already convinced it’s time to update your on-prem contact center solutions, these last three benefits of moving to the cloud should do the trick:
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Why I Chose Five9

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve decided to join Five9 as CTO and Head of AI. I had many options for where I could go, and the decision to go to Five9 was a carefully measured one. Let me explain why I went there.
AI language learning

The Third Era of AI is Upon Us

The evolution of AI and where it is going.

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9