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Five9 Blogs

Gain new perspectives on AI, Five9, CX, and cloud technology here on our blog. With new contact center and call center blogs, we continually offer industry guides and tools for customer experience to provide new insights to your customer service team.

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Five9 to Present at CallMiner LISTEN 2018

Next week Five9 will be heading down to Clearwater Beach, Florida to catch some waves with our fellow Forrester Wave Leader, CallMiner! Between enjoying the sunshine and hitting the beach, Five9 is excited to announce that we will be presenting at CallMiner LISTEN 2018.
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Customer Service Team Is Your New Sales Team

Today, 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience. Hence, there is no place for bad customer service if you want to compete with the big dogs and retain your customers.
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Five9 Brings Home “Best CX Solution” from UC Awards 18

Some years can feel like an eternity, others go by in a blink of an eye. 2018 has felt like a bit of both.
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Rowan at Dreamforce 2018: “The contact center will change more in the next 5 years than the past 25 years combined”

Telling a room full of Dreamforce attendees that customer service has become worse could be considered a risky move.
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[Webinar] How CARFAX Leverages Salesforce and Five9 to Increase Agent Productivity

“Don’t buy a lemon.” It’s one of the first things many people say when you talk about buying a pre-owned car. But what exactly is a lemon? And how do you ensure your new car isn’t one?
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National Customer Service Week: Five Stars for Five9

The first week of October means the beginning of pumpkin spice and sweater weather, but more importantly it’s National Customer Service Week. In recognition of this week, we’ve compiled a few Trustpilot reviews that embody the Five9 customer experience – because who better to hear from than our customers themselves.
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Five9 Trailblazers Showcased at Dreamforce 2018

During Dreamforce 2018, we spotlighted Five9 customers who are innovating and trailblazing to create better contact center experiences. Below we are sharing why these trailblazers deserve a round of applause:

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